If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

– Rudyard Kipling

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Spring Gathering – 1st Annual Colonial Days at South Park

June 11 @ 10:00 AM - June 12 @ 4:00 PM


The Richland Early American Center for History invites you to discover life in early America during the 18th and 19th Century from living historical reenactors. Throughout the day there will be crafts, trades, demonstrations, and activities, including Blacksmithing, Games and Children’s Activities, Open Hearth Cooking Demonstrations, and Civilian and Military Reenactments.  Grounds feature the 1808 log cabin with Rumford fireplace and baking oven, an original 1812 Blockhouse, and a late 18th/early 19th-century blacksmith/woodworking shop.  Public hours 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Admission and parking are free to public.
**Food Truck will be on site for our event for visitors.
For Re-enactors:
Set up Thursday, June 9th in evening or Friday, June 10th. We will have water, wood, restroom facilities, and a food truck will be on site for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Dance Saturday evening with period musicians. Camp breakfast for Saturday and Sunday before the event. Details will be given upon arrival. No camp fees. No merchant fees. Take down camp Sunday evening or Monday.
For returning re-enactors, let us know you are coming by sending us a message. For new re-enactors, please send us a completed jury form and photos by Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at [email protected].  You can message us or follow us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/RichlandEarlyAmericanCenterforHistory


First Day Open/Close Times......
June 11th, 10:00am to 4pm
Second Day Open/Close Times......
June 12th, 10:00am to 4pm
Event Genre......
French and Indian War|American Revolutionary War|War of 1812
Available At The Event.......
Military|Natives|Civilians|Food Vendors|Demos|Entertainers|Blanket Traders
Years Portrayed at Event......
1750 to 1812
Next Year's Date......
June 10th & 11th, 2023

South Park

100 Brinkerhoff Ave
Mansfield, OH 44906 United States