If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

– Rudyard Kipling

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Early Ohio on the Portage

May 3 - May 5


Early Ohio On the Portage: A Timeline Reenactment Event 1700-1865
Join us May 3, 4, & 5, 2024 for exploration and settlement in the early days of the northwest territory as well as the ohio ‘country’ along the Portage River in Wood County.  Event is held on the grounds of the Wood County Museum in Bowling Green, Ohio.

We welcome Period Reenactors, Artisans, and Living History Demonstrations from 1700 to 1865.  There will be artillery/musket demonstrations, pioneer and early American life portrayals, a food truck on site all weekend for food & beverage purchases, historical dance (Lady Brandeberry’s Ball) Saturday evening 6pm-8pm, and the Wood County Museum will be open all weekend for self-guided tours.  Registered participants can sign up for free firewood for their campsite and bags of ice.  Hospitality also includes coffee & donuts each day.
Please email to register: maumeevalleyheritagecorridor@gmail  OR call Kurt Harris  #419-494-2876  OR [email protected]

Early Ohio On the Portage is sponsored by the Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor (MVHC) in partnership with the Wood County Museum.


First Day Open/Close Times......
May 3 10am-3pm
Second Day Open/Close Times......
May 4 10am-5pm. Ball 6-8pm.
Third Day Open/Close Times......
May 5 10am-3pm
Number of Daily Attendance......
Event Genre......
French and Indian War|American Revolutionary War|War of 1812|1830-1840|American Civil War
Available At The Event.......
Military|Natives|Civilians|Food Vendors|Demos|Merchants|Entertainers
Years Portrayed at Event......
Education Day Date/Time......
May 3 9am-3pm
Next Year's Date......
May 2, 3, 4, 2024

Wood County Museum

13660 County Home Rd
Bowling Green, 43402