If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

– Rudyard Kipling

Spirits of the Pines

Spirits of the Pines

Frank Merry Park 18505 N County Rd 550 E., Dunkirk, IN, United States

EVENT UPDATE FOR APRIL 2023 DATE:  The event coordinator and the board have decided to postpone this year's April 21-23 event in Lewis because of needing more time to prepare the grounds. We will be on the grounds on April 22 &23 for work days and anyone wanting to see the grounds is more than […]


Spirits of the Pines

Spirits of the Pines

Frank Merry Park 18505 N County Rd 550 E., Dunkirk, IN, United States

EVENT UPDATE FOR APRIL 2023 DATE:  The event coordinator and the board have decided to postpone this year's April 21-23 event in Lewis because of needing more time to prepare the grounds. We will be on the grounds on April 22 &23 for work days and anyone wanting to see the grounds is more than […]
