From time to time, history enthusiasts get the chance to look at medicinal cures that have been used in the past.  With that in mind, I would like to share a story about the Gueth family from Anna, OH.  Friedrich Gueth Sr, was born on April 29, 1825 in Waltershausen Bavaria. He came to the United States in 1845 and married Sarah Zimpfer in 1855.  Friedrich Sr. became a US citizen in 1857.  This union produced two sons, George and Frederick Jr.



Freidrich Sr. had been a barber in Germany, and it is just as likely that he pursued the trade his father performed, as was tradition. In early Europe, a barber was also the local surgeon, one of the most common European medical practitioners. Surgery was seldom conducted by physicians, but instead by barbers, who, in having razors, were called upon for numerous medical tasks ranging from cutting hair to amputating limbs.

Both of his sons were farmers, and practiced a secondary occupation they learned from their father.   In Germany, as a town barber or surgeon, their father had removed cancers from those who were afflicted.   The Gueth brothers were involved in a Cancer Cure business for many years…..until legislation required physicians to be licensed…. from that time, they were longer permitted to “practice medicine”.

I live near Anna Ohio.  Through the years I have met a couple of elderly residents that insisted that the Gueth Cure saved a family member’s life.  Apparently, others believed the cure was legitimate, because the Gueth family’s research and cure was purchased in 1919 by a group of attorneys for $10,000.



I have attached a picture page from a book titled “Pharmaceutical Chemistry” that was published in 1920…. Apparently the Gueth’s used was at one time a recognized cancer treatment. I have also attached an advertisement I believe the Friedrich Sr. posted…. “No Cure, No Pay”.  This ad was placed in an 1860 publication titled “The Ohio State Gazetteer and Business Directory”. The Gueth Cure was also listed several times in the 1918 edition of Annual Reports of the Chemical Laboratory of the American Medical Association, Volumes 11-20.

When I first heard this story, Internet research was not available. In the mid-1990’s I saw a full list of ingredients…. and two items that stood out in that list ….. an antioxidant -salicylic acid- and a healing herb…cinnamon. Since I lacked chemistry knowledge, I did not recognize or understand how the other items might be effective…. or if they were masking agents that made the cure more difficult to duplicate.

The Gueth brothers this cure for decades.  Their advertisement and business card are interesting.  Friedrich Sr.’s advertisement notes that that no payment is required if there is no cure.


After the cancer cure business came to a close, the Gueth family invested in thoroughbred horses.  In 1897 the Gueth’s barn caught fire and burnt to the ground…. They were unable to free the horses.  The brothers remained as farmers until their death.

Concerning the cure… this is the information I have….
Years ago I found this in the 1919 Annual Report of the American Medical Association…

Salicylic acid was determined approximately by acidifying a portion of the preparation with hydrochloric acid, shaking with ether until extraction was complete, shaking the united ether extracts with very dilute ammonia water, acidifying the ammonia solution, extracting the latter repeatedly with chloroform, evaporating the chloroform, drying the residue over sulphuric acid and weighing. The residue was slightly contaminated with emodin-like substances but did not appear to be seriously impure. The melting point was not taken, as the substance was identified by the ferric chlorid test and by precipitation with iodin in alkaline solution. It was not thought worthwhile to determine the salicylic acid by the iodin method.

Inquiries were received concerning the composition of Gueth’s Cancer Cure, and a specimen was sent by one of the correspondents.

The specimen had an odor like acetic acid, a strong acid reaction to litmus, and appeared to contain some vegetable drug in suspension.

Acetic acid was identified by the odor, and by the dark red color which was given on adding a few drops of ferric chlorid test solution to a portion of the filtrate obtained by removing the solid matter from some of the preparation by filtration. Microscopic examination indicated the presence of powdered sanguinaria (blood root). The presence of blood root was confirmed by extraction of the mixture with ether, after making alkaline, and treatment of the ethereal solution with a drop of hydrochloric acid. A beautiful red precipitate was formed which settled out of the ether. A solution of this precipitate in water gave the usual reactions for alkaloids.

The examination indicates that the preparation consists essentially of a suspension of powdered sanguinaria (blood root) in acetic acid. Quantitative determinations were not made. Years ago, blood root, because of its irritant properties, was thought by some to be of value in the treatment of cancer. It never attained much popularity with the medical profession and has long since fallen into disuse.

1. J. Warren of Assoc. Ag. Chem. 1:343.


Welcome to “Sharing the Stories of History with Tim Mann”!


Meet Timothy A. Mann, a passionate historian born and raised in the heart of Shelby County, Ohio where Tim’s roots run deep in the rich soil of American history. As the author of articles and books, including “Frontier Miscellany Concerning the Miami County Ohio Militia,” “Colonel John Mann, His Kith and Kin,” and “Frontier Militia – The War of 1812,”  Tim’s literary contributions have enlightened and inspired countless history enthusiasts.

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