Welcome to Reenacting Schedule

Welcome to The Reenacting Schedule Website

Our team here at Reenacting Schedule and Parson John Living History, Inc. look forward to serving the Reenacting/Historical community by providing this Schedule and related Blog Posts.  Take some time, and look around – and join in by adding your own relevant Events! 

We are ready to receive Historically related events to the Schedule.  This can be accomplished in several ways.

  1. Event Organizers or a person appointed by the Historical Events are welcome to create an account on this website – and submit their events.
  2. Reenactors who know of Events they plan on attending can also create an account and submit the event(s) with the permission of the event organizers.
  3. In the event of limited computer/internet availability, information can be forwarded by email – or postal mail and one of our team members will submit the Event.

 Here are instructions about filling in the Event Submission Form.

If you have Questions or Suggestions about the form, please use the contact form and we will answer as quickly as possible.  If you have circumstances at your event that need to be addressed in a way we haven’t provided – we are ready to make those changes if possible.  Please contact us! 

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    ‘Tell me and I forget.

    Teach me and I remember.

    Involve me and I learn.’

    – Benjamin Franklin