If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

– Rudyard Kipling

Tennessee River History/ Heritage/ & Weaponry Festival

Saltillo Community Center 47680 Hwy 69, Saltillo, TN, United States

Family friendly event aimed at the preservation of our history & ancestors. This event will be packed full of demonstrations, and hands on activities. Demonstrations will range from ( Period encampments/ cooking/ flintknapping/woodworking/ soap making/ firearm and artillery demonstrations/Field hospital & surgeon/ Colonial church service/ sutlers/ trade blankets/ Food & crafts/etc.)

Women on the Frontier at Fort Boonesborough State Park

Join Guest Interpreter Pam Eddy and the women of Fort Boonesborough to learn about a woman’s life in the 18th century. This year’s topics will include Lighting, Childbirth, Firearms and Blackpowder along with a special presentation by Dolly the first slave/black woman at the fort. Sunday will include topics on “how to dress” for women […]