If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

– Rudyard Kipling

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Mississinewa 1812

October 13 @ 8:00 AM - October 15 @ 4:00 PM

Mississinewa 1812 is the largest War of 1812 living history event in the United States! Sponsored by the Mississinewa Battlefield Society Inc (Marion, IN) with the support of the Department of Natural Resources. It is a historical commemoration of the Battle of Mississinewa fought in Grant County on December 17-18, 1812. It’s a step back in time to 1812! Faithful attention to authenticity has made Mississinewa 1812 the premiere living history event in Indiana. Here you will step back into the wilderness life of early Indiana Territory.

Military Encampments
Experience the days of the War of 1812 in the British and American military camps. View the daily life of the War of 1812 soldier. Ongoing demonstrations include field drill, artillery firing, musket and rifle drill, battlefield surgery, and daily battle reenactments.

Native American Village
The ancient culture of the woodland Indian dominates the largest reconstructed woodland Indian village in the United States. The traditional long house is the center piece for this glimpse of Indian life that has been on this site since 1752. In addition to storytelling and music, there are ongoing demonstrations of fire starting, cooking, and many other aspects of Native American life.

More than 140 merchants, artisans, food purveyors and musicians will delight you with their wares, demonstrations of 18th Century crafts, food and drink of 1812. Rivertown offers reproductions of many 1812 necessities including fine yard goods, silver and tin ware, pottery, muskets and candles.

Wilderness Area
Life along the rivers and streams in 1812 is recreated in the trapper, voyager, and pirate camps along the river. Each camp features ongoing demonstrations of fire starting, open fire cooking and storytelling in this unique display of wilderness life. Don’t be shy about inquiring into to their lifestyle.

Food and Drink
Twenty Rivertown food purveyors offer 1812 delicious foods ranging from barbecued chops, buffalo burgers, bratwurst, ribs and chicken, hearty stews, baked potatoes, fry bread, pies, ice cream and cold cider. The aroma will whet your appetite.

Traditional Crafts
Stop and visit with any of Rivertown’s early 18th Century master printers, artists, gunsmiths, tinsmiths, silversmiths, soap makers, blacksmiths, flintknappers, weavers, and other traditional craftsmen.

Music, Song and Stories
Rivertown is filled with ongoing performances by  Voyager Ancient Fife and Drum corps, Common Stock, Dennis and Barbara Duffy, Fiddlesix, Rick and Hillary Wagner, Tim Shaiper, Liza and Mark Woolever, Rodney the Younger, Simple Gifts, Carter Rost, Strolling Singers, Tom Franklin, Bonnie Strassel and the territorial Loud school.


First Day Open/Close Times......
Second Day Open/Close Times......
Third Day Open/Close Times......
Number of Daily Attendance......
Event Genre......
War of 1812
Available At The Event.......
Military|Natives|Civilians|Food Vendors|Demos|Merchants|Entertainers|Street Mongers|Blanket Traders
Years Portrayed at Event......
Education Day Date/Time......
Friday, Oct. 13, 9:00am-4:00pm
Next Year's Date......