State seals were used by government authorities to attest to and give validity to public records and documents.   I am sharing the images of the original concept seals.  According to the author, these seals were found thru the offices of the secretaries of state.    The source for this information is  “American History Comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes” by Marcius Willson 1847…













Welcome to “Sharing the Stories of History with Tim Mann”!


Meet Timothy A. Mann, a passionate historian born and raised in the heart of Shelby County, Ohio where Tim’s roots run deep in the rich soil of American history. As the author of articles and books, including “Frontier Miscellany Concerning the Miami County Ohio Militia,” “Colonel John Mann, His Kith and Kin,” and “Frontier Militia – The War of 1812,” Tim’s literary contributions have enlightened and inspired countless history enthusiasts.


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