The Tippecanoe County Historical Association of Lafayette, Indiana, in cooperation with the Tippecanoe County Park and Recreation Department, will be sponsoring the 58th annual Feast of the Hunters’ Moon festival on October 11 & 12. Hours are Saturday 9am to 5pm E.D.T. and Sunday 9am to 4pm E.D.T. The Feast represents the time of homecoming, feasting, dancing and celebrating from the earliest days of historic Fort Ouiatenon (1717-1791), the first fortified European settlement in Indiana. Advance ticket information will be posted by 7/1/25 at
Over 40 different recreated period foods will put the “feast” in the Feast! Food booths are run by area non-profit organizations as fundraisers for their worthy community projects. Seven different arenas and stages plus numerous locations on the 30 acres of festival grounds feature outstanding performances by musicians, interpreters, military re-enactors and Native American groups.
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